Bishops Message The Diocese of Limerick actively promotes the welfare of children and encourages their participation in the life of the Church.

All children have a fundamental right to be respected, nurtured, cared for and safeguarded; this right is embedded in Gospel values, best practice guidelines and international and domestic laws.

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland has developed comprehensive safeguarding standards which are designed to support best practice in providing safe environments and child protection procedures.

The Diocese of Limerick, along with all church bodies, has committed to comply with these standards. Arising from this the Diocese has revised all its safeguarding policies, procedures and resources. The diocese has also committed itself to working in partnership with the statutory authorities

All priests and every person holding an appointment from or within the Diocese or in a parish, or volunteering within Diocesan/parish structures must adhere to these policies and procedures and act at all times to create safe environments for children and ensure that all concerns are responded to appropriately.

All religious communities and lay catholic organisations ministering in the Diocese are expected to adhere to the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland Policy and Standards and ensure that the welfare of children is always considered paramount.

All Church personnel must work to ensure that all aspects of safeguarding children are managed professionally.

I wish to acknowledge the work of the many people throughout the Diocese who promote the welfare of children and provide assurance to their families.

All Church personnel must work to ensure that all aspects of safeguarding children are managed professionally.

In keeping with these commitments, the diocese will provide:

  • Arrangements in all of its activities to promote the welfare of children and to keep them safe
  • Information to facilitate recognition of, responding to and reporting of child abuse
  • Access to advice and support for complainants, respondents and other persons effected by abuse
  • Training and education to equip Church personnel for their roles and responsibilities

  Bishop of Limerick

Child Safeguarding Statement of the Diocese of Limerick

This statement has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 and is derived from Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland (2016).

Safeguarding Governance

Safeguarding Plan 2023 - 2025

Safeguarding Information

The National Board's one Church Safeguarding Children Policies & Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016.
The most up to date information on the National Board's Policy and Guidance can be viewed here

Data Privacy Notice April 2024

Please be aware that a note is taken of all Safeguarding complaints and concerns made to the Diocesan Safeguarding Service. These notes are maintained on files which are stored securely and only accessed by authorized persons.

Information regarding complaints will be shared with relevant statutory authorities in compliance with legal obligations and with other relevant agencies/people in compliance with Diocesan Safeguarding policy.

Clarification on any issues arising is available from the director of Safeguarding.

What is needed in each parish?

The checklist identifies those elements that need to be in place in each parish to ensure the creation and maintenance of safe environments for children and young people.

  • Diocesan Safeguarding Procedures/Leaflets
  • Volunteer/Staff Requirements:
  • Safeguarding Representatives:
  • Maintaining a Register
  • Groups/Organisations involved with children on behalf of the Parish
  • Non-Church groups working with children and using Church Property
  • Training
  • Sacristy
  • Storage of Records/Information
  • Complaints/Concerns

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